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"The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race..."





Activities in the Hobart Bahá'í Community

The Bahá’ís are involved in many social activities.
Please feel free to contact us for further information or just come along.

To view photos from 2002-03, please click here.

Social/dinner nights

These social get togethers will be held at the Sandy Bay Senior Citizens Club, Lambert Avenue, Sandy Bay, on the first Friday of each month during 2003. The dates for these nights are 7 March, 4 April, 2 May, 6 June, 4 July, 1 August, (none in September), 3 October, 7 November, 5 December.

Tranquility Hour - devotional gatherings

The Hobart Bahá'í community holds regular devotional gatherings. You are most welcome to come along and share in these gatherings which feature prayers, readings, music, and fellowship.

When:  2nd Sunday of the month
Time:  3:00pm
Where:  Magnet Court, Sandy Bay
For more information call 6225-1425

To view previous devotional programs click here.

Informal discussion evenings

Often held in private homes.
Go to Contact Us page to call and find out if one is being held in your area.

Salamanca Market, Hobart

The Bahá’ís have a regular stall display at the Salamanca market every Saturday 9:00am to 3:00pm. Please come and visit us, ask questions, or just browse through the books and posters we have on display.

Children’s classes

Spiritual and Moral Education classes are held on Sundays during school terms, from 10am to 12noon, at Albuera Street Primary School, Albuera Street, Hobart. They are open to children age 6-15 years of any race, culture, and faith.

For more information about these classes and/or if you would like your child to attend please click here.

Bahá'í Unity Choir

This choir is based in Hobart and performs at various functions throughout the year. If you would like to sing with us, or find out more about us, please call 6225-1425.

Study Circles

These are held in various venues and are made up of small groups of people getting together to study and memorise the Bahá’í' Writings. If you wish to find out more about these study circles or wish to attend, please contact 6245-9319.

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